
Less Social More Sales

🤑 The billionaire's secret to effortless sales

Published 4 months ago • 3 min read

Imagine waking up a billionaire. No more work. No hustling for deals. No dancing for clients. You’re set for life.

But, you find yourself missing the thrill of the sale. So, for fun, you start making a few sales calls each week. Just to keep your edge.

Now picture this: You’re on a call. A prospect feeds you a white lie about their budget. How do you react? You laugh. These games don’t faze you. After all, you’re a billionaire.

This exercise reveals a key point in sales: Attachment. More specifically, attachment to money.

We’re upset by prospects because, deep down, we NEED their business. Our livelihoods depend on it. And prospects? They can smell our desperation. They use it to dominate the conversation.

But what if we could detach from our need for money? What if we viewed sales through a lens of relaxed confidence?

This is the power of framing!

Framing controls perspective. It’s about choosing how we view each situation.

Consider weak framing:
“Just touching base!”
“Just circling back on this.”
"Wanted to follow up on our last call."

This language reeks of desperation. It hands over control to the prospect.

Now, think prize framing:
It's when you know the prospect needs your solution more than you need their money.

Imagine you’re in a desert with water, and you find someone parched and lost. They need you. You're the oasis.

Next time you chase a deal, remember: You’re not just a sales person. You’re a billionaire with a life-changing oasis.

Adopt prize framing. It builds confidence and closes deals.

Own your power,

P.S. Have you tried a new approach in your sales conversations? Drop me a quick reply - I'd love to hear how it went! 🚀


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Less Social More Sales

Margo Mulvihill

I read 100+ articles a week and bring the best ones to your inbox. Welcome to “Less Social, More Sales” – a weekly dispatch of the latest strategies, trends, and tools designed for those who are serious about selling online. No fluff, no filler. Just pure gold.

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